Monday, June 29, 2009

"Gayby Boom"

How can anyone think that having no parents is better than having two loving parents?

[Being raised by gay or lesbian parents] damages the children, says Dale O'Leary, author of "One Man, One Woman: A Catholics Guide to Defending Marriage." She says that all children have a natural desire for a parent of each gender.

But children of same-sex couples are forced to repress that desire because their parents won't accept it, she says. Their parents won't acknowledge their children's needs because they don't want to admit that they have caused their children to suffer.

"A baby is not a trophy -- the child's welfare has to be considered," she says. "These children are more likely to experiment with same-sex relationships. They're more likely to be confused and hurt."

I have to say, I don't ever recall having a "natural desire for a parent of each gender." But of course I was raised by two parents, one of each gender, so maybe I just didn't know I had that desire. What a load of horseshit. By this logic, every time a parent dies, the other parent should forfeit their children, because God forbid any child be raised without both a father and a mother. Same thing for all those single mothers out there who've been abandoned by their child(ren)'s father. It's far better to be stuck in some crappy foster care home with three other kids and 'parents' who are only doing it for the money. God, I hate this evangelical Christian bullshit. The people who think same-sex couples shouldn't be allowed to have/adopt children are the same people who think that all unplanned pregnancies should be kept or put up for adoption. Because allegedly there are the same number of couples trying to adopt as there are abortions every year. I don't believe this for a second. Because if there were, there wouldn't be so many kids in the foster care system. Maybe there are that many people looking to adopt white babies, but guess what? The majority of abortions occur to minorities, not white women. But that's a whole other issue that I'm sure I'll get to at some point.

As this article points out, homosexuality (or, I'm sure, and other "alternative" sexuality) is a completely normal expression of human sexuality. I wish more people would accept this, instead of hiding their fear and hatred behind their "faith."

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